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Alabama Turtle Farmer is one of the largest producers and exporters of captive bred turtle hatchlings! Over 20 different species of turtles are exported around the world: including Europe, South America, and all of Asia. Known worldwide as Bentley Turtle Farms we are a wholesale export business and production farm. We do all necessary documents, CITES, and testing to export to your country. Please learn more about our family and contact us to buy wholesale directly from the breeder! We are wholesale export only.
These are some of the turtle species that we produce:
Common Snapper- Chelydra Serpentina
Spiny Softshell- Apalone Spinifera Spinifera
Common Musk Turtle- Sternotherus Odoratus
Stripeneck Musk Turtle- Sternotherus Minor Peltifer
Loggerhead Musk Turtle- Sternotherus Minor Minor
Razorback Musk Turtle- Sternotherus Carinatus
Eastern Mud Turtle- Kinosternon Subrubrum
Mississippi Mud Turtle- Kinosternon S. Hippocrepis
Southern Paint Turtle- Chrysemys Picta Dorsalis
Eastern Paint Turtle- Chrysemys Picta Picta
Cumberland Slider- Trachemys Scripta Troosti
Yellowbelly Slider- Trachemys Scripta Scripta
Red-Eared Slider- Trachemys Scripta Elegans
River Cooter- Pseudemys Concinna Hieroglyphica
Ouachita Map Turtle- Graptemys Ouachitensis
Common Map Turtle- Graptemys Geographica
Mississippi Map Turtle- Graptemys Pseudographica Kohni
And More

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